The Kind Hills - Sleepy indiepop from an international brand of slackers

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Sleepy indiepop from a truly international band of slackers who met while studying in Australia a long time ago. They are now scattered across the globe and live in Brisbane, Perth, Hong Kong, London, Los Angeles and Lucerne.

Their unusual approach to songwriting, recording and collaborating is the foundation of their laid-back, dreamy music and truly exemplifies music's boundless potency in a world more interconnected than ever.

The Kind Hills' debut album was released in June 2023 and while focus had temporarily shifted on musical side-projects, the band is now writing and recording a lot of new material. Starting July 2024 (maybe), a new song will be released at the end of every month. Until the band runs out of energy and decides to take it down notch.


If a record ever deserved the label ‘bedroom pop’, then it’s this one. All songs were written and recorded in a bedroom, where Roman was stuck most of the time during the last 3 years due to doctors’ orders. Sometimes an unprecedented streak of bad luck can result in something unexpected and beautiful – in this case the album Clusterluck.

The Kind Hills are a group of old friends who met while studying in Australia years ago, but now live across the world. Roman (Lucerne/Switzerland) has written (*) and produced the songs with invaluable vocal contributions from Chase (Hong Kong), Sam (LA/USA) and Jessica (London/UK). Brett (Perth/Australia) has provided background vocals and Bea (Lucerne/Switzerland) lots of keys and synths.

The songs take a humorous look at everyday joys and challenges. The Kind Hills never take themselves very seriously which is also their recommendation on how to deal with life. Do you need a sense of humor to like their music? No! But it helps.

(*)The song 'Heaven' is a cover song. It was written by the Australian band Mr. Blonde.

This international group of slackers is releasing their debut album Clusterluck on July 28. The album features 10 warm and relaxed indie-tunes that are the perfect soundtrack for a chilled picnic in the countryside, an exhausted or hung-over moment in bed or a long, beautiful road trip. The band call it 'music to fall asleep to' and they mean that in a positive way. Some influences are obvious (Beach House on ‘Summer’ or Ducktails on ‘Volunteer’) but on all tracks the band essentially plays their own, laid-back, dreamy indie pop. Clusterluck was mastered by Cameron Allen of the legendary Aussie band Pollen. He’s mastered for some truly great bands incl. Sigur Rós.


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From left to right:
Brett, Sam, Bea, Roman, Jessica & Chase


1. Summer (3:30)
2. Waiting for the Good Times (3:09)
3. Get Away (3:44)
4. Let Youth Take Over (3:05)
5. Volunteer (3:51)
6. Yoshimi (3:28)
7. Up and Down Activity (4:21)
8. Never Too Late to Procrastinate (4:00)
9. Under Siege 2 (3:30)
10. Heaven (4:00)

The ethereal, slow song is heavily inspired by the sound of older Beach House albums. It is actually much more an autumn/winter song and expresses the dispiriting and depressing feeling of being stuck in fog and rain again, after just a very short period of warmth and sun. Chase and Jessica are sharing lead vocals on this one. So Chase (Hong Kong) doesn't really understand this song or the feeling associated with it, but Jessica (London) certainly does.

This is a - considering the other songs - upbeat track that switches between happy and sad vibes. It has a kick-ass saxophone part in the middle. Silly language is used to convey the simple message that we should try our best to enjoy the moment. One day when we're older, we might be looking back to exactly this day today and realise it was a pretty great time actually.

It's a plead to the better, other half to consider moving on because I am holding her/him back in life. It's a very chilled track and requires some strength to listen to it until the end without falling asleep. Sam's smooth vocals perfectly fit the mood of the song.

This is one of the more cheerful and guitar-based tracks on the album. As the title quite blatantly suggests the track is about letting youth handle things. The older generations had their go, they made their money, got their houses, depleted the planted, it's time for them to step aside, shut the hell up and enjoy their lives. So 'Let youth take over' is the band's protest song, but that's very well hidden by the smooth, laid-back and rather happy sound as well as the complete lack of perceptible anger.

'Volunteer' is about people who really just care about themselves. They probably don't mean any harm and while they might be a lot of fun, they are also a real pain to have around. The band Ducktails is a clear influence to this track, which drifts around very slowly and calmly.

It's a track about an inevitable break-up, the depressing time that follows it until eventually life goes on and the painful memory becomes a treasured memory from the past. Everyone's provided vocals on this track.

There's no arguing that this is a fairly silly song. Not just the lyrics but also the weird keyboard and a very odd solo further support this. At the essense, the song is about the stereotype that all men just thing about sex. And that all women don't. Sometimes, I'd much rather just watch some TV!

The title says it all. Don't feel guilty to delay certain bits. We've got so much on our plate, life's so busy and complicated at all times. Maybe you want to be perfect, not let anyone down, be a super mom/dad or not miss any event. That's fine. But it's also totally okay to think about your own sanity and health and it's never too late to start procrastinating. This song would be even more convincing if the band had never managed to finish it but oh well, nobody's perfect.

Heaving is a cover song. It's by the Australian band Mr. Blonde. Back in the good old days when The Kind Hills were partying together in Australia, this was a song that brought us together, a song that everyone loved. Whenever we hear the original, it immediately brings back all the great memories so we really wanted to cover the song. To make it fit into the album Clusterluck, we had to slow it down a bit and remove all the noisy guitars. Our version is super laid-back pop-tune that's perfect for a road drip. Lean back and enjoy!

Under siege 2 is a fantastic movie (though not all band members agree on this) and the lyrics simply summarise the story of it. But the reason behind this are several bad experiences with people who keep complaining about everything all the time. Some people always look for the negative because it is their passion to complain and be unhappy. As Chase sings in the chorus of this song, those are the people who will ask: "Why does trouble find me anywhere I go?"


The album Clusterluck features super relaxed tunes that are quiet, cozy and warm. The band call it 'music to fall asleep to' and they mean that in a postitive way. It's the perfect soundtrack for a chilled picnic in the countryside, an exhausted or hung-over moment in bed or a long, beautiful road trip.